Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Treatment intertrochanteric fractures with 135 degree angled compression hip screw

AOTT 1994; 28: 105-108
Read: 748 Downloads: 541 Published: 20 April 2021

We have reviewed 61 of 98 patients who had been treated with 135 degree Richard s hip screw for intertrochanteric fractures in Haydarpasa Numune State Hospital between April 1988-January 1992 and who were available for final follow up. We determined that minor traumatized patients were usually old and had stabil fractures andmajor traumatized patients were usually young and had unstabil fractures. We performed an anatomic reduction to afl of 34 patients with stabil fractures and in 27 patients with unstabil fractures we used medial displacement osteotomy for 9 patient and anatomic reduction for the other 18 patients. We applied 135 degree Richard s screw to all of the cases. In stabil fractures, we determined excelent and good results at 97% of them but in unstabil fractures, it was 66.6% for medial displacement osteotomized group and 77. 7% for anatomic reduced group. We concluded if technical mistakes in surgical practice were reduced, results of anatomic reduction and Richard hip screw would increased.


Nisan 1988-0cak 1992 tarihleri arasında Sağlık Bakanlığı Haydarpaşa Numune Hastanesinde femur intertrokanterik kırığı 135° lik Richard çivisiyle tedavi edilmiş 98 hastanın 61 inin son kontrolleri yapıldı. Hafif travmaya maruz kalan hastaların genellikle genç ve anstabil kırıklı olduğu belirlendi. Stabil kırıklı 34 hastanın hepsine anatomik redüksiyon, anstabil kırıklı 27 hastanın 9 una medial deplasman osteotomili redüksiyon, 18 ine anatomik redüksiyon yapılıp bütün .vakalarda 135° /ik Richard çivisi kullanıldı. Stabil kırıklarda %97 çok iyi ve iyi sonuç, anstabil kırıkların medial deplasman osteotomisi yapılanlarında %66.6, anatomik redüksiyon . yapılanların %77.7 sinde çok iyi ve iyi sonuç alındı. Cerrahi uygulamada teknik hata azaltıldığında, anatomik redüksiyon ve Richard s uygulamasında tatminkar sonuçların yükseleceği kanaatine varıldı.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294