Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Total knee prosthesis early results

AOTT 1991; 25: Supplement 355-357
Read: 788 Downloads: 568 Published: 21 April 2021

Between May 1990 and Agust 1991, 21 patients were treated by unilateral total knee prosthesis. Nine of them were treated by the kinematic condylar prosthesis with posterior cruciate retaining and twelve by total condylar prosthesis with posterior stabilization. Gonarthrosis in 18 patients (85.71%), traumatical osteoarthritis in 2 (9.5%7 and rheumatoid arthritis in 1 (4.7%) was found as a primary pathology. The average age of patients was 61 (57-72), mean follow-up was 9 months (1-16). The patients were evaluated by the knee scoring system of the knee society pre and postoperatively. . Preoperatively, mean knee score was 41.5 (24-60), mean functional score was 33.3 (0-55). Postoperatively it was 87 (82-91) for knee and 81.1 (64-95) for function.


Mayıs 1990 ile Ağustos 1991 yılları arasında 21 hasta total diz protezi ile tedavi edilmiştir. Bunlardan 9 u kinematik kondiler diz protezi olup posterior çapraz bağ koruyucu tipte, 12 si ise posterior stabilizan tip total diz protezidir. Patolojik olarak 18 hasta (%85.71 ) gonartroz, 2 hasta (%9.5) travmatik osteoartrit ve 1 hasta (%4.7) romatoid artrittir. Hastalar pre ve postoperatuar olarak Diz Cemiyeti nin diz değerlendirme skoru ile değerlendirilmişlerdir. Preoperatif olarak ortalama diz skoru 41.5 (24-60) fonksiyonel skor 33.3 (0-55) olup, postoperatif skor 87 (82-91) fonksiyonel skor 88.1 (64-95) dir.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294