Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

The use of Diclofenac sodium in arthroscopic washout fluid in experimental gonarthrosis in rabbit knee

AOTT 1990; 24: Supplement 337-340
Read: 1173
In order to produce early gonarthrosis in rabbits we injected Sulphur-35 (100 mg/kg) which is diluted in carboxymethlyl cellulose suspension. Then we investigated the histopathological changes and PGE-2, LTB-4 levels of the joint hyalin cartilage. The normal value of cartilage tissue PGE-2 and LTB-4 whick was taken from the rabbits knee joint are LTB-4=O.3±0.009 ng/gr and PGE 2=9.6+0. 4 mg/gr. In the samples of the knee joints cartilage tissue which carboxymethlyl cellulose was being injected we found the value of LTB-4 and PGE-2 very close to the normal (LTB4=0.4 ngr/gr and PGE2=10.4 ug/gr). In early degenerativi arthritis of these rabbits, we used diclofenac sodium wash-out. We compared the results of PGE-2, LTB-4 and histopathologic al changes with the control group. In PGE-2 and LTB-4 Ievels of the knee joints injected sulphur we found a great increase when it is compared to the normal conditions (LTB-4=O.8 ng/gr and PGE-2=23.2 mg/gr) The results of wash out with Diclofenac Sodium in experimental gonarthrosis with Sulphur 35 are in 1-2 weeks LTB-4=0. 3±0.002 ng/gr and PGE-2=11.2±0.06 mg/gr and in 3-4 weeks LTB4=0.4±0.009 ng/gr and PGE-2=11.2+0.3mg/gr, we believe that diclofenac sodium can be used in arthroscopic wash out fluid in early gonarthrosis.
Erken dejeneratif artrit geliştirebilmek için tavşanların diz eklemlerine, %2 Karboksi Metil Selülozda seyreltilmiş %2 Sülfür-35 verilmiş ve diz eklemi hyalin kıkırdak doku örneklerinde, Prostoglandin-E2 (PGE-2), Lökotrien-84 (LBT-4) ve histopatolojik olarak deneysel gonartroz araştırılmıştır. Gonartroz oluşturulan bu tavşanlara erken dönemde tedavi amacıyla intraartiküler diklofenak sodyum ile “wash-out” (yıkama) yapıldı. Kıkırdak dokudan alınan doku örneklerinde PGE-2, L TB-4 ve histopatolojik değişiklikler kontrol grupları ile karşılaştırılmış diklofenak sodyum ile artroskopik yıkamanın gonartrozun erken döneminde uygulanabileceği ön kanısına varılmıştır.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294