Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

The rotationplasty operation in the treatmenf of osteosarcoma of the distal femur a case report

AOTT 1992; 26: 55-57
Read: 955 Downloads: 557 Published: 21 April 2021

The rotationplasty operation that was applied to proximal femoral deficiency cases before, has recently gained popularity in the t.(eatment of the malignant Iesions of the knee and the hip as an alternative to amputation and desarticulation procedures. We performed rotationplasty operation for the treatment of a patient with the osteosarcoma of the Ieft distal femur. Safe surgical margins and a functional stumpf with the mobility of the \"knee\" were accomplished.


Önceleri proksimal femur aplazilerine uygulanan ve son yıllarda diz ve kalçanın malign lezyonlannda amputasyon ve dezartikülasyona bir alternatif olarak yaygınlık kazanan rotasyonplasti ameliyatı femur distalinde lokalize bir osteosarkom olgusunda tarafımızdan uygulandı. Yeterli lokal cerrahi kontrol ve diz hareketliliğine sahip fonksiyonel bir güdük elde edildi.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294