Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

The role of arthroscopic adhesiolysis in the treatment of the arthrofibrosis and the partial ankylosis of the knee

AOTT 1994; 28: Supplement 379-383
Read: 899 Downloads: 581 Published: 20 April 2021

The 27 knees of 23 patients with limited range of motion that developed after trauma, fractures or open surgical procedures of the distal femur were treated by the percutaneous release of the adhesions under arthroscopic control. The interval between the cause of the limited ROM and the arthroscopic adhesiolysis ranged from 4 months to 24 months (mean: 7 months). The average preoperative ROM was 43° and the average postoperative ROM was 115°. The average loss from the postoperative ROM was 17°. At the follow-up, the average final gain of ROM was 55°.


Travma, kırık yada distal femur cerrahi girişim ardından gelişen diz hareketi kısıtlanan 23 hastanın 27 dizi, artroskopik kontrol altında, perkutan adezyon releasei ile tedavi edildi. Diz hareketlerini kısıtlayan neden ile artroskopik adezyolizis arasındaki dönem 4 ile 24 ay (ortalama 7 ay) arasında değişiyordu. Ortalama preoperatif diz hareketi 43°, ortalama postop diz hareketi 115° di. Ortalama postoperatif hareket kaybı 17° di. Takip sonunda ortalama hareket kazancı 55° di.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294