Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

The Repairment of Joint Cartilage injuries: An Experimental Study

AOTT 1990; 24: 174-178
Read: 775 Downloads: 563 Published: 22 April 2021

Therapy of Joint cartilage Injuries is still a major problem. In order to understand the nature of repairment or persisterıt injury process one should first clarify the still unsolved, cartilage physiology, Many different repairment patterns in the literarure and clinical problems caused by cartilage injuries in daily life have motivated us jor such a study. For better undersranding of joint cartilage injuries and their repairment, various joint cartilage lesions were produced experimentally at knees of 7 adult and 11 nonadult rabbits. The repairment processes were evaluated by macroscopic appearance, stereodissection and light microscopic findings our results were evaluated in the light of related literature.\nIn our study, other than the osteochondral lesions the adult ones, no repairment tissue that could be defined as in differentiated connective tissue was observed. We could see immature cartilage cells, that could be called atypical chondrons, in the superficial and whole tihickness (more evidently) defects of adult and nonadult animals. However we could not detect any effect of these cells in filling up the cartilage detect.\nOur findings were in the direction that there was no repairment process in superficial defects.\nComparing our findings and others in various literature is obviousthat there are many different models in repairment of jo int cartilage defects. This reveals that factors determining the cartilage recovery are not fully known yet.\nIn order to state what type of recovery model is preeminent in cartilage defects we believe that it is necessary to make researches on many other animal groups for a much longer period of time


Eklem kıkırdağı incinmelerinin ve bunların onarımının dahi iyi öğrenebilmesi amacıyla 7 erişkin ve 11 erişkin olmayan tavşan dizinde, çeşitli eklem kıkırdağı incinmeleri yapıldı. Oluşan onarımlar makroskopik, stereodiseksiyon mikroskopu ve ışık mikroskobunda değerlendirildi. Bu konu ile ilgili literatür gözden geçirilerek, bulgularımız tartışıldı.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294