Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

The new treatment method of fractures of the femoral shaft by tractionsuspension method with corsettype cuff of thigh

AOTT 1974; 8: 356-366
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The results of application of the new traction method at Gülhane Military Medical Academy and Residency Training Hospital are appreciable.\nAs it has been compared with the other traction methods mentioned in discussion, there are several advantages:\n1 Nursing care ot the patient is easy and accessibte.\n2 Drop foot deformity dose not develop.\n3 Patient can sit up and even may turn slightly to one of his sides.\n4 To set up the patient s bed and back care are easy.\n5 Perineal hygien, defecation and mixition are more comfortable and suitable than the other type of traction methods.\n6 As it has been compared and mentioned, in Russell s traction there is no need to keep the angle 20 degree between thigh and bed, to keep the heels off the bed or frame, to keep the malleolae at teast 10 cm apart from each other and to avoid to altow to be adducted.\n7 In this type of traction method, small pad or other type of removable things are not used which usually change the alignment.\n8 It is very easy to inspect the extremity. Therefore, particulariy in open fractures, dressing may be done without any disturbance on the behalf of the patient.\n9 Roentgenographic examination of the injured extremity in different projections are accessible and easy.\n10 Reduction and aligment and lenght of the bone can successfully ba maintained with in normal period.
Kıbrıs Barış Harekatında ateşli silahlarla meydana gelmiş açık ve kapalı femur cisim kırıklarında yeni bir traksiyon-suspansiyon metodu uygulanmıştır. Alınan sonuçlar gerek redüksiyonun elde edilmesi, gerekse immobilizasyon yönünden çok başarılıdır. Ayrıca metod hastaya bazı avantajlar sağlamaktadır. Yazımızda metodumuza ait teknik bilgiler verilmiş, klasik traksiyon usulleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294