The data obtained from our outpatient clinic of Physical Theraphy and Rehabilitation at the Medical Faculty of Cerrahpaşa from May 1977 to May 1978 have been carefully worked out. The insidance of cervical arthrosis in respect to the total arthrosis has been presented. The variations in he course of the disease according to age, sex, vocational problems and months have been showed and the results have been statiscatiy evaluated.
1977-1978 Mayıs ayların arasındaki 1 yıllık sürede, Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Polikliniğine müracaat eden hastaların dosyaları incelenerek, servikal artroz olgularının ensidansı, seks, yas, meslek, aylara göre dağılımı ve hastalık süreleri tetkik edildi.