Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

The effect of simple local resection on pain and scoliotic curve in patients with scoliosis secondary to osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma in the spine

AOTT 2016; 50: -1--1
DOI: 10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0034
Read: 2429 Downloads: 730 Published: 07 February 2020

Objective: The aim of this study was assess the results of local resection without instrumentation in patients with scoliosis secondary to spinal osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma.
Methods: The review of our database revealed 176 cases of osteoid osteomas and 18 of osteoblastomas. Painful scoliosis was seen in 5 out of 6 cases. The lesion was found on the posterior part of the apical vertebra in the concave side of the scoliotic curve. Surgical treatment consisted of simple en bloc excision. Mean period between diagnosis and operation was 2.6 years, mean age at the time of surgery was 12.5 years, and mean preoperative major Cobb angle was 37.2°.
Results: Four patients with a mean follow-up of 4.3 years were included in the study. At final followup, Cobb angle was 7.6°, and the average percentage of correction was 79.6%. Coronal decompensation was corrected by 87.7%. Pelvic tilt and shoulder imbalance were corrected by 15% and 74.5%, respectively. The preoperative mean Visual Analog Scale score was 9 before the treatment and 0 at the final follow-up.
Conclusion: Our results suggested that simple en bloc resection may be a safe and effective treatment option in patients with scoliosis secondary to spinal osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma, if patient less than 16 years, with major Cobb angle less than 40°, and duration of complaint less than 22 months.
Keywords: En bloc excision; osteoblastoma; osteoid osteoma; painful scoliosis.
Level of Evidence: Level IV, Therapeutic Study.


This abstract belongs to the un-edited version of the article and is only for informative purposes. Published version may differ from the current version.





Osteoid osteoma ve osteoblastoma ya sekonder gelişen skolyozda ilave füzyon veya enstrümentasyon yapmadan lezyon eksizyonu ile omurga deformitesinin radyolojik ve klinik olarak düzelmesini sağlamaktır.
Materyal ve Metot
Arşivimizi retrospektif olarak incelendiğinde tüm osseöz yapılarda toplam 194 olguda 176 osteoid osteoma, 18 osteoblastoma bulundu. Ağrılı skolyoz deformitesi, omurga tutulumu olan 6 olgunun 5 inde görüldü. Lezyon skolyoz eğriliğinin konkav tarafında apikal vertebra posterior elemanlarını tutuyordu. Tedavi olarak sadece en-blok eksizyon uygulandı. Şikayetlerin ortaya çıkış süresi ile ameliyata kadar geçen süre 2.6 yıl, ameliyat tarihindeki yaş ortalaması 12.5 yıl, preop majör Cobb açısı ortalama 37.2° idi.
Takip süresi yeterli 4 hasta ortalama 4.3 yıl izlendi. Son kontrolde Cobb açısı 7.6°, düzelme oranı %79.6 gerçekleşti. Koronal dekompenzasyon %87.7 olarak düzeldi. Pelvik tilt ve omuz dengesizliğinde düzelme %15 ve %74.5 olarak gerçekleşti. Hasta memnuniyeti görsel ağrı cetveli (GAC) ile değerlendirildiğinde preop ortalama 9 iken son kontrolde 0 bulundu.
Ağrılı skolyoz deformitesi olan osteoid osteoma ve osteoblastoma da; hastanın yaşı <16 yıl, majör eğrilik ?40° ve şikayetlerin süresi <22 ay ise lezyonun en-blok eksizyonu ile skolyoz deformitesi düzelebilir.

Anahtar kelimeler; Osteoid osteoma;osteoblastoma;ağrılı skolyoz;en-blok eksizyon.


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ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294