Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

The Displaced Fractures of the Radial Neck in Children

AOTT 1980; 14: 32-46
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In this study of ours, attempts have been made to review the results of surgical treatment adapted on 11 children with displaced fractures of the neck of the radius between the years 1969-1970. Out of 11 cases who were between 7-14 years of age, open reduction and fixation with Kirschner wire was applied on 6, and radial heads were excised in 4. In one case associated with olecranon fracture, osteosynthesis was performed for olecranon fracture, whereas radial neck fracture was not interfered with. 4 children whose radial heads were excised were admitted to our hospital later than 20 days after iniury. In 6 cases fixed with open reduction and Kirschner wire, good results buit in 5 cases rin which the radial heads were excited and no intervention was effected bad results were obtained. The follow-up period was at least 6 months and at most 2 years. The treatment of these fractures which is thought to be very simple but which might leave the patient disabled has been discussed under the light of information obtained from literature and our cases. It has been conciuded that the best method of treatment for fractures of the neck of the radius in children 1. which was displaced more than 15 degrees, and whose displacement could not be reduced by closed manipulation or in which redisplacement occured after closed reduction, 2. which was displaced more than 60 degrees and 3. in which total dispiacement occured is to apply open reduction and to fix with Kirschner wire.
Bu çalışmamızda, 1969-1979 yılları arasında radius boynu deplase kırığı olan 11 çocukta uygulanan cerrahi tedavinin sonuçları incelendi. 7 ile 14 yaşları arasında olan 11 olgunun 6 sına açık redüksiyon ve Kirshner teli ile tespit, 4 üne radius başı eksizyonu yapıldı. Olecranon kırığı ile birlikte olan 1 olguya ise, olecranon kırığı için osteosentez radius boynu kırığının kapalı redüksiyonu yapıldı. Radius başı eksizyonu yapılan olgular 3 haftadan daha geç tedaviye gelen olgulardı. Açık redüksiyon ve Kirshner teli ile tesbit edilen 6 olguda iyi, radius başı eksizyonu yapılan ve kapalı redüksiyon yapılan 5 olguda ise kötü sonuç alındı. Ortalama takip süresi en az 6 ay, en çok 2 yıl idi. Basit gibi görünen fakat hastayı yaşam boyu sakat bırakabilen bu kırıkların tedavisi olgularımızdan ve literatürden edinilen bilgilerle tar;tışıldı. 15 dereceden fazla deplase olan ve kapalı redüksiyonla düzeltilemeyen veya kapalı redüksiyondan sonra redüksiyon kaybı görülen olgularda. 60 dereceden fazla ve tam deplasman gösteren olgularda, açık redüksiyon ve Kirschner teli ile tesbitin en iyi tedavi yöntemi oldu;ğu sonucuna varıldı.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294