Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Surgical treatment in pes planus

AOTT 1991; 25: 22-24
Keywords : pes planus
Read: 1061 Downloads: 902 Published: 13 April 2020

Between 1975 and 1989 we performed surgical treatment to 32 feet of 26 patients with pes planus at the Orthopeadics and Traumatology Oepartment of Medical Faculty of Istanbul 27 feet of 21 patients could be followed up. Deformity was bilateral in 16 patients and unilateral in 5 cases. Evaluation of the patients etiologically was as follows; 12 flexible, 12 rigid, 2 traumatic and 1 Marfan s syndrome. 13 patients had Miller procedure, 13 cases had triple arthrodesis and Grice Green subtalar arthrodesis was done for the patient with Marfan s syndrome. The results were excellent or good in 11 patients and poor in 10 patients. In our series we noticed that the patients applied to our clinic late, usually without any prior treatment andlor with secondary deformities. We would like to emphasize that treatment in pes planus is primarily conservative but in symptomatic feet despite proper conservative treatment, surgery should be considered.


1975-1989 yılları arasında İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalında pes planus tanısıyla 21 hastanın 27 ayağına cerrahi tedavi uygulanmış ve takibi yapılabilmiştir. Deformite 16 vakada bilateral, 5 vakada tek taraflıdır. 12 vaka fleksibl, 12 vaka rijit. 2 vaka travmatik ve 1 vaka da Marfan sendrumuna bağlı pes planus olarak değerlendirilerek 13 vakaya Miller, 13 vakaya triple artrodez, 1 vakaya Grice Green uygulanmıştır. 11 ayakta mükemmel veya iyi, 10 ayakta kötü sonuç alınmıştır. Serimizdeki vakaların genellikle tedavisiz veya geç olarak sekonder deformitelerle müracaatı dikkati çekmektedir. Pes planus tedavisinin konservatif olduğunu ancak uygun konservatif tedaviye rağmen semptomatik ayaklarda cerrahi endikasyon olabileceğini vurgulamak isteriz.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294