Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Shortterm results of total knee prostheses

AOTT 1993; 27: Supplement 324-327
Read: 866 Downloads: 632 Published: 20 April 2021

Between March 1989 and January 1993, 17 patients were implanted with 20 posterior stabilized total knee artroplasty at SSK Göztepe Hospital, İstanbul. The average age of the six and eleven women was 69 years (Range 59-79). The diagnosis was osteoarthritis in 12 patients. rheumatoid arthritis in 3 patients and posttraumatic arthritis in 2 patients. The average preoperative knee score on the knee surgery society rating scale was 40.1 points and average functional score on the knee surgery society rating scale was 56.5 points. After follow-up 28.5 months (Range 6-51 months) the average Knee score on the knee society rating scale was 81. 8 points. Of the 20 knees, 80 percent were rated as exellent, 15 percent, as good, 5 percent, as fair; none as poor. Radiological signs of loosening were not seen on the all of knees.


Mart 1989 ve Ocak 1993 yılları arasında SSK Göztepe Hastanesinde 17 hastanın 20 dizine total diz artroplastisi yapıldı. 6 erkek ve 11 kadın hastanın ortalama yaşları 69 (59-79) idi. 12 hastanın tanısı osteoartrit, 3 hastanın romatoid artrit ve 2 hastanın tanısında posttravmatik artrit idi. Diz Cerrahisi Derneğinin değerlendirme yöntemine göre preoperatif ortalama diz skoru 40.1 puan, ortalama fonksiyonel skor ise 56.5 puan idi. 28.5 (6-51) aylık takip sonunda, Diz Cerrahisi Derneğinin değerlendirme yöntemine göre ortalama diz skoru puanı 81.8 idi. 20 dizin %80 i mükemmel, %15 i ise orta olarak bulundu. Kötü sonuç alınan diz yoktu. Hiç bir dizde radyolojik gevşeme bulgusuna rastlanmadı.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294