Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Shortterm functional results in arthroscopic partial meniscectomy cases

AOTT 1998; 32: 155-158
Read: 771 Downloads: 612 Published: 19 April 2021

The functional results of 97 cases subjected to arthroscopic partial meniscectomy between December 1990 and March 1997 were evaluated. In the cases of whom 79 were male and 18 were female and whose mean follow-up time was 11.4 months, meniscectomy was performed in 51 right knee joints and 46 left knee joints. The cases were evaluated according to Tegner activity level before injury and after treatment, and according to Lysholm knee score pre and post operation. The mean Tegner activity level before injury was 4.48, and Lysholm knee score before operation was 59.37. The Tegner activity level was 4.12 and Lysholm knee score was 88.32 in the last controls. In the study in which hospitalization duration 3.3 days and the mean off duty time 15.8 days were determined, the decrease in the activity level according to Wilcoxon pairing test and the increase in the knee score according to Student t test were found to be significant statistically.


Aralık 1990 - Mart 1997 tarihleri arasında artroskopik parsiyel menisektomi yapılan 97 olgunun fonksi-yonel sonuçları değerlendirildi. Ortalama 11.4 ay süre ile takip edilen olguların 79 u erkek, 18 i kadındır. Menisektomi 51 olguda sağ, 46 olguda sol diz eklemine yapılmıştır. Olgular yaralanma öncesi ve tedavi sonrası Tegner aktivite düzeyi, operasyon öncesi ve sonrası Lysholm diz skoruna göre değerlendirilmiştir. Orta-lama olarak yaralanma öncesi Tegner aktivite düzeyi 4.48, operasyon öncesi Lysholm diz skoru 59.37 olan olguların, son kontrollerinde elde edilen Tegner aktivite düzeyi ortalama 4.12, Lysholm diz skoru ise 88.32 dir. Ortalama hospitalizasyon süresinin 3.3 ve ortalama işten kalma süresinin 15.8 gün olarak tesbit edildiği çalışmada aktivite seviyesindeki düşme Wilcoxon un eşleştirme testine, diz skorundaki yükselme ise Student t testine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmuştur.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294