Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Primary MooreHead Prosthesis in a Case of Bilateral Fracture of the Femoral Neck

AOTT 1981; 15: 104-107
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Subcapitol fractures of the proximal one-third of the femur are encountered ouite frequently. Application of prostheses in these fractures has been undertaken for more thon 30 years. The case we have presented heer is a patient who has a bilateral femoral neck fracture in a single injury and in whom a bilateral Moore-Head prosthesis has been achieved in onestage. It is remarkable that this has been the only case we have been confronted with in our clinic since 1963.
Femur üst uçunun subkapital kınklarına oldukça sık rastlanır. Bu kırıklarda protez uygulaması ise otuz senedir yapılmaktadır. Takdim ettiğimiz olgu tek travma ile bilateral fernur boynu kırığı olan ve aynı seansta bilateral Moore-Head protezi konan bir hastadır. 1963 senesinden beri kliniğimizde bir benzerine rastlamadık.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294