Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Place of arthroscopy in the knee problems

AOTT 1989; 23: Supplement 286-288
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Diagnostic arthroscopy was applied in the knees of 52 patients, 30 men and 22 women. Arthrotomy was performed in 41 cases and arthroscopic surgery was performed in 7cases. The results of diagnostic arthroscopy was compared with literature and the place of artroscopy in diagnosis was mentioned. Some technical points and complications were discussed.
30 erkek, 22 kadın toplam 52 olguya tanısal artroskopi uygulanmıştır. Bunlardan 41 olguya artrotomi, 7 olguya ise artroskopik cerrahi\nyapılmıştır, tanısal artroskopi sonuçları belirlenmiş, Iiteratür ile karşılaştırılarak artroskopinin tanı açısından önemi vurgulanmıştır. Ayrıca turnike kullanımı , anestezi uygulaması ve komplikasyonlar tartışılmışır. Diagnostic arthroscopy was applied in the knees of 52 patients, 30 men and 22 women. Arthrotomy was performed in 41 cases and arthroscopic surgery was performed in 7cases. The results of diagnostic arthroscopy was compared with literature and the place of artroscopy in diagnosis was mentioned. Some technical points and complications were discussed.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294