Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Pedicled groin flap applications on upper extremity injuries

AOTT 1999; 33: 47-50
Read: 906 Downloads: 604 Published: 19 April 2021

Between March 1987- July 1997 patients to whom pedicled groin flap were applied in order to be covered from soft tissue defects on hand, wrist and forearm were evaluated. Those soft tissue defects occurred by crush injuries, avulsion injuries, gun shot injuries, burns, and sequels. Forty-three (60 per cent) of total 72 patients were attempted urgently and were operated on the first day. Flaps were divided of the base of the groin approximately on the 22nd day (min. 19, max. 30 days). Closure of the donor site was done primarily. As a complication due to technique, infection occurred in 4 patients (6 per cent), marginal necrosis 2 patients (3 per cent), flap necrosis 1 patient (1,4 per cent). Eleven patients (15 per cent) suffered from slight loss of sensibility on skin of the groin and thigh. Donor side did not cause any aesthetics problems in all patients. Pedicled groin flap still keeps its importance practically because; it can be applied on emergency conditions, it does not need special equipment and microsurgical experience, it does not cause any functional and aesthetics problem on donor side in soft tissue defects on hand, wrist and forearm injuries.


Mart 1987- Temmuz 1997 tarihleri arasında el, el bileği, önkolda ezikli (crush) yaralanmalarda, avülsiyon tipi yaralarda, ateşli silah yaralanmalarmda, yanık ve sekellerinde gelişen yumuşak doku defektlerinin kapatılması amacıyla pediküllü groin flep uygulanmış olan olgular degerlendirildi. Toplam 72 hastanın 43 ü (%60) acilen başvurdu ve ilk gün ameliyata alındı. Flepler ortalama 22. gün (en az 19, en fazla 30 gün) kasıktan ayrıldı. Donör saha tüm olgularda primer olarak kapatıldı. Tekniğe bağlı komplikasyon olarak dört olguda (%6) enfeksiyon, iki olguda (% 3) uç nekrozu, bir olguda (%1,4) flep nekrozu gözlendi. Olguların 11 inde (%15) kasık ve uyluk bölgesinde ciltte duyarsızlık yakınması oldu. Donör saha, olgularda estetik sorun yaratmadı. El, el bileği ve önkoldaki yumuşak doku defektli yaralanmalarda. acil kosullarında uygulanabilen, özel aletler ve mikrocerrahi deneyim gerektirmeyen, donör sahada estetik ve fonksiyonel belirgin sorun oluşturmayan pediküllü groin flep, serbest fleplerin yanı sıra, pratikte değerini korumaktadır.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294