Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Our surgical results in pes equinovarus

AOTT 1994; 28: 15-17
Read: 875 Downloads: 634 Published: 20 April 2021

In this study, 36 club foot cases are viewed retrospectively between 1988-1991 in Gülhane Military Medical Academy Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department. These cases were not responsive to conservative treatment and they were surgically treated with posteromedial release. 11 of these cases were bilateral and 14 were unilateral. 9 of the patients were female and 16 were male with an average age of 1.2 years. The patients were evaluated according to the Simon s criteria pre and postoperatively. Follow-up period changed from at Ieast 12 months to at most 3 years 4 months postoperatively with an average of 26 months. The results of posteromedial release in these patients are as follows: 91.5% satisfactory 8.5% unsatisfactory. We believed that, with: carefully chosen cases, posteromedial release should be considered as a method to be taken into account in club foot treatment since there is no significant difference between the results of posteromedial release and the results of complete subtalar release.


Çalışmamızda 1988-1991 yıllan arasında GATA Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim Dalı nda konservatif tedaviye cevap vermeyen ve bu nedenle posteromedial gevşetme ile cerrahi tedavi uyguladığımız 36 DÇA vakası retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Vakalann 11 i bilateral, 14 ü unilateral olup, 9 u kız ve 16 sı erkekdir. Ortalama yaş 1.2 yıldır. Hastalar pre ve postoperatif olarak Simon s kriterlerine göre değerlendirilmiş ve en az 12 ay en çok 3 yıl 4 ay, ortalama 26 ay takip edilmiştir. Posteromedial gevşetme uyguladığımız bu vakalarda %91.5 tatminkar, %8.5 tatminkar olmayan sonuç elde edilmiştir. Iyi seçilmiş vakalarda DÇA tedavisinde posteromedial gevşetme ile elde ettiğimiz sonuçlar, Iiteratürde komplet subtalar gevşetme ile bildirilen sonuçlara yakındır.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294