Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Osteoarthrosis of the knee and indications for treatment

AOTT 1989; 23: Supplement 241-243
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The diagnosis of osteoarthrosis of the knee, which can be either primary or secondary, usually causes no problem. Patients with preservation of half of the joint space can be treated medically and mild osteoarthrosis with preservation of half of the joint space can be controlled by conservative measures. Patients with mild osteorthrosis may benefit from debridement as well. When the dejenerative changes involve one compartment, the patients under the age of 70 and the compartment is subject to incresed stress, osteotomy is indicated. Hemiarthroplasty may provide adequate relief in old patients whose varus or valgus defortmity can be passively corrected. ln severe osteoarthrosis of the knee, in patients of more than 70 years of age total joint replacement is the treatment of choice. In a younger person with severe osteoarthrosis limited to knee, arthrodesis may be performed.
Primer veya sekonder olabilen diz artrozunun tanısı klinik bulgular ve radyolojik muayene ışığında genellikle zor olmaz. Eklem aralığının yarısı korunan vakalarda ameliyatsız tedavi yapılabilir. Bu vakalarda debridman da faydalı olabilir. 70 yaşın altında, tek kompartmanda dejeneratif değişiklikleri olan ve bu kompartmana artan stress gelen hastalarda osteotomi endikasyonu vardır. Varus ve valgus defortmitesinin pasif olarak düzeltiebildiği yaşlı hastalarda tek kompartmanda diz protezi uygulanabilir. Ağır deformitesi olan, 70 yaşın üzerindeki hastalarda diz protezi endikedir. Tek dizde ağır artrozu olan genç hastada artrodez uygulanabilir.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294