Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Notice from Societies

AOTT 2016; 50: -1--1
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Dear Colleagues,

Turkey experienced a coup attempt to overthrow its legitimate, democratically elected government on July 15, 2016. This despicable coup attempt failed; thanks to the citizens of this country, the security forces, the members of the parliament, the Prime Minister, the government, and the President. During this coup attempt, 243 people were killed and more than 3000 were wounded fighting to protect our democracy and to maintain the parliamentary system. Acting within the boundaries of the Constitution, the government of Turkey is determined
to take all necessary steps to overcome the remaining potential threats.

On behalf of TOTBID and TOTDER, we vehemently assert that we will always support a democratic, secular, modern, and constitutional state, and a Parliament elected by the Turkish citizens.

Our lives have returned to normal and we now continue our scientific efforts in modern orthopaedic surgery as well as our contribution to the world of orthopaedics. Besides, we would gladly like to announce that the Scientific Meetings-both national and international-are in progress just as planned. Therefore, we would like to say “welcome” to all of you in our country for these meetings. We appreciate your continuing support and contribution during this period as you have done for years. We will be more than happy for your close collaboration and effort.

With our warmest regards,

(Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and
President of Executive Committee
Prof. Mustafa Basbozkurt

(Turkish Association of Orthopaedics and
President of Executive Committee
Prof. İrfan Esenkaya

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294