Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Neuropathy of ulnar nerve compression due to ulnar artery pseudoaneurysm in Guyon s canal

AOTT 1992; 26: 116-118
Read: 826 Downloads: 526 Published: 20 April 2021

Ulnar nerve entrapment due to an aneurysm of ulnar artery in the Guyon s canal is rarely described in the Iiterature. This article presents a case of ulnar nerve compression at the Guyon s canal caused by a false aneurysm of the ulnar artery secondary by penetration trauma. The aneurysm is usually Iooked over at the stage of diagnosis and seen as a nerve cut. The most reliable therapeutic method is the anastomosis of arteries ends by microsurgical technics, after the resection of aneurysm. In case of vessel injuries, it is only possible to avoid such complications by exploration of the damaged part. In this article a case is presented and the occurance, diagnostic and therapeutic methods are discussed.


Ulnar arterde delici bir yaralanmadan sonra oluşan psödoanevrizmamn Guyon kanalı gibi genişleme yeteneği olmayan bir alanda ulnar sinir sıkıştırması iIe ortaya çıkan paraliziye, Iiteratürde çok ender rastlanmaktadır. Makalemizde bu patolojik durumun oluş şekli, tam ve tedavi yöntemleri sunulup tartışılmıştır.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294