Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Madulung deformity and its surgical treatment

AOTT 1979; 13: 250-259
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The Madelung deformity, which is a rery infrequently encountered defect, was detecte in 9 cases between the years 1961-1978, two of which were bilateral. The youngest of all these cases who were all girls was 12, the eldest being 17. The deformity was found to bemoderate in 2 of the cases but severe in the remaining. Out of our 11 Madelung deformites, Darrach procedure was adapted in 9, Darrach and radial osteotomy in 1, and ulnar shortening osteotomy in the remaining one. Good results were obtained in almost all of the cases in whom Dorrach procedure was performed.
Seyrek görülen bir bozukluk olan Madelung deformitesi, 1961-1978 yılları arasın, 2 si iki yanlı olan 9 olguda saptanmıştır. Tamamı kız olan bu olguların en küçüğü 12, en büyüğü 17 yaşındaydı. Olguların 2 sinde deformite orta şiddette, diğerlerinde şiddetli idi. Olgularımıza ait 11 Madelung deformitesinin 9 unda Darrach prosedürü, 1 inde Darrach + radial osteotomi, kalan 1 inde ise ulnaya kısaltma osteotomisi uygu;landı. Darrach prosedürü uygulanan olguların tamamına yakın çoğunluğunda iyi sonuç elde edildi.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294