Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Local anesthesis in the surgical treatment of the fractures of the upperend of femur in the elders

AOTT 1976; 10: 110-115
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14 patients with fractures of the upper-end of femur who could be given general anesthesia were operated under local anesthesia in our clinics during 1974-1976. 6 cases were applied stable osteosynthesis and 8 minimal osteosynthesis. We have stated here the technique of local anesthesia applied as well as peremedication and postoperative treatment. Local anesthetics to be applied have been discussed.
1974-1976 yılları arasında kliniğimizde genel anestezi alamayan femur üst ucu kırıklı 14 hasta lokal anestezi ile ameliyat edildi. 6 vakaya stabil osteosentez, 8 vakaya da minimal osteosentez uygulandı. Uygulanan lokal anestezi tekniği, premedikasyon ve postoperatif bakım belirtildi. Kullanılacak lokal anestetikler tartışıldı.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294