Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Isolated tuberculous tenosynovitis of the Achilles tendon A case report

AOTT 1997; 31: 357-359
Read: 924 Downloads: 626 Published: 19 April 2021

While mycobacterium tuberculosis is mostly localized in the spine, tendon involvement is not common. Flexor tendons of the hands are the commonest site for the tendon involvement. We present a case of tuberculous tenosynovitis of the Achilles tendon, which is very rare.


Mycobacterium Tuberculosis iskelet sisteminde vertebrayı tutarken tendon tutulumu nadirdir. Tendon yerleşimi en çok el fleksörleridir. Biz bu olgu sunumuzda daha da nadir görülen asil tendon tüberkülozunu yayınlamayı amaçladık.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294