Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Investigation of the effects of alphaD tocopherol use in reperfusion trauma by histochemical and ultrastructural methods

AOTT 1995; 29: 153-156
Read: 801 Downloads: 598 Published: 20 April 2021

In this study, the effect of alpha-d tocopherol used in reperfusion trauma was investigated by histochemical and ultrastructural methods. The rabbits were divided into the study and the control groups each consisting of five subject. The rabbits in this study in 100 mg/kg doses once a day before the reperfusion trauma had been performed. The animals in the second group were given no medication and served as control. Heperfusion trauma was performed by tourniquet application to the lower extremities of the animals. After the consitution of the reperfusion trauma, the existence of malondialdehid was examined in nerve tissue which is formed by the lipid peroxidation of the free oxygen radicals. The malondialdehid levels were found to be significantly low in the study group (p<0. 00 l). Ultrastructurel examination also showed that the tissue destruction in nerve tissue and motor unit was slight and reversible in this group. On the other hand, in the animals constituting the control group, this destruction was rather severe and irreversible. These results were interpreted as; the presence of free oxygen radicals gives rise to destruction in the tissues and this effect may well be prevented by using alpha-d tocopherol which inhibitis lipid peroxidation of free oxygen radicals.


Bu çalışmada, alfa-D tokoferol (E vitamini) kullanımının reperfüzyon travmasmdaki etkisi ultrastrüktürel ve histokimyasal yöntemler kullanılarak araştırıldı. Deney ve kontrol grupları, beşer adet tavşandan oluşturuldu. Deney grubuna calışma öncesi 7 gün süreyle, günde tek doz intramuskuler alfa-D tokoferol asetat lOO mg/kg/gün verildi. Kontrol grubunda ise herhangi bir ilaç kullanılmadı. Reperfüzyon travması, tavşanların alt ekstremitelerine turnike uygulanması ile oluşturuldu. Tumike uygulanmasma bağlı oluşan serbest oksijen radikallerinin, lipid peroksidasyonu sonucu oluşturduğu malondialdehid varlığı, penfenk sinir dokusunda araştırıldı. Deney grubunda malondialdehidin istatistik açıdan anlamlı bir şekilde düşük olduğu görüldü (p

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294