Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Intraspinal and urogenital system abnormalities in congenital deformities of the spine

AOTT 1993; 27: 87-89
Read: 899 Downloads: 659 Published: 20 April 2021

In congenital spine deformities the presence of intraspinal and urogenital abnormalities play an important role in its treatment and follow up. Seventy-six patients with congenital spine deformity were studied by using computerize tomography (CT) + myelogram or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for spinal canal and cord, uitrasonography (US) or intravenous pyelography (IVP) for urogenital system. The average age of the cases were 8 years old (1.5-15 years) except for three adults. Thirty-nine (%51) of these cases were male and 37 (%49) were fermale. In physical examination, 50% of cases showed cutaneous lesions as; hyperthyricosis, dermal sinus, anal dimple, subcutaneous lipom. In eight cases (11 %) neurological deficits at different levels were found. In eleven (14%) of cases showed urogenital system abnormalities such as, kidney agenesia, horse shoe kidney, hydronephrosis, hypospadies. Thirty-two (42%) spinal canal or cord abnormalities were found. Tethered cord (22%), diastematomyelia (19%), syringomyelia (9.2%), Arnold-Chiari (6.5%) were the most frequently seen pathologies. Twenty (62%) of 32 cases had more than one spinal canal or cord abnormalities. As a resuit, it is advised that; patients with congenital spine deformities should be searched for additional spinal cord or canal and urogenital system abnormalities routinely for the safety of treatment and unpleasant future occurence and consequences.


Konjenital vertebra deformiteli olgularda spinal kord, kanal ile ürogenital sistem anomalilerinin varlığı tedavi ve takibin planlanmasında önemlidir. Çalışmamızda 76 konjenital vertebra deformiteli olguda spinal kord ve kanal bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) + Myelografi veya manyetik görüntüleme yöntemi (MRI) ile, ürogenital sistem ise intravenöz pyelografi (IVP) veya ultrasonografi (US) ile incelendi. Otuz iki (%42) spinal kord ve kanal, 11 (%14) ürogenital sistem anomalisi saptandı. Sonuç olarak, konjenital vertebra deformiteli olgularda tedavinin güvenliği ve gelişmesi muhtemel problemler göz önüne alınarak spinal kord ve kanal ile ürogeni malilerinin araştırılması gereklidir.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294