Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Injuries and treatment of the Lisfranc s joint

AOTT 1994; 28: 240-244
Read: 941 Downloads: 609 Published: 20 April 2021

Lisfranc s joint is a stabil joint its injuries are very rare. During the period of March 1990 to June 1993, 21 patients with Lisfranc s fracture dislocations were treated. They were classified according to Quenu and Kuss classification as: 11 totallateral, 1 partial medial, 3 partiallateral, 3 partial divergent and 3 total divergent dislocations. Closed reduction and Kirschner wire fixation was performed a of them, open reduction and Kirschner wire fixation performed 10 of them and open reduction and internal fixation with AO screws performed 3 of them. 15 cases were reexamined. The average follow up time was 22. 7 month (6-46) and the results of operations were evaluated as follows, 3 very good, 9 good, 3 fair. There was no bad result. With regard to results, it was decided that anatomic reduction was required for satisfactory result.


Lisfranc (tarsometatarsal) eklemi stabil bir eklemdir. Bu nedenle yaralanmaları nadirdir. 1990 Mart-1993 Haziran arasında 21 Lisfranc kırıklı-çıkığı olan hasta tedavi edildi. Quenu ve Küss sınıflamasına göre 11 total Iateral çıkık, 1 parsiyel medial, 3 parsiyellateral, 3 divergent parsiyel, 3 divergent total çıkık tespit edildi. 8 ine kapalı redüksiyon ve Kirschner teli osteosentezi, 10 una açık redüksiyon ve K-teli osteosentezi ve 3 üne açık redüksiyon ve vida osteosentezi yapıldı. Kontrole gelen 15 hasta, 22. 7 ay (6-46 ay) takipli idi ve 3 ünde çok iyi, 9 unda iyi ve 3 ünde orta sonuç alındı. Kötü sonuç yoktu. Tedavi şekli ne olursa olsun anatomik redüksiyonun tatminkar sonuç elde etmek için gerekli olduğu kanaatine varıldı.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294