Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Idiopathic anterior pes cavus and its surgical treatment

AOTT 1991; 25: 131-134
Read: 1004 Downloads: 635 Published: 21 April 2021

19 feet of 15 patients who were operated for idiopathic anterior pes cavus between 1975 and 1988 were evaluated. The average follow-up was 4. 6 years. The procedures that were pertormed as primary procedures were as follows; anterior dorsal wedge osteotomy in 8 feet (42.1%). triple arthrodesis in 5 feet (26.3 %). Japas (tarsal \"V osteotomy) in 4 feet (12. 1 %). and Dwyer osteotomy in 2 patients (10.5%) with calcaneovarus deformity. Secondary deformities such as contracture of the Achilles tendon, hammer toe deformities and contracture of plantar fascia were also corrected. The results were evaluated according to the \"Massachusetts General Hospital\" criteria. There were anatomically 73.7% and functionally 68.4% good to excellent results. We think that satisfactory results can be obtained with anterior dorsal wedge osteotomy at the apex of the deformity (with additional sott tissue procedures) provided that the joints without functional and arthritic changes are protected.


1975-1988 tarihleri arasında idyopatik anterior pes kavus nedeniyle ameliyat edilen hastalardan kontrolümüze gelen 15 hastanın 19 ayağı değerlendirildi. Ortalama 4. 6 yıllık izleme süresi bulunan hastalarımızın Massachusetts General Hospital\" kriterlerine göre yapılan değerlendirmelerinde anatomik olarak %73.7, fonksiyonel olarak da %68.4 iyi ve mükemmel sonuç alınmıştır. Fonksiyonel ve sekonder olarak artrozik değişiklikler göstermeyen eklemler korunarak deformitenin tepesinden yapılacak bir anterior dorsal kama\" osteotomisiyle (ek yumuşak doku girişimleriyle birlikte) tatminkar sonuçlar alınacağı fikrindeyiz.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294