Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Glass injuries of the hand Statistical Anatomical and Pathologic Study

AOTT 1997; 31: 31-33
Read: 892 Downloads: 599 Published: 19 April 2021

Glass injuries constitute an important group of the hand injuries. 201 injuries of the 192 upper extremities of the 188 cases who applied to the Istanbul Hand Surgery and Microsurgery Center, Between 1993-1995 and registration forms and files have been completed very well were included in this study for determination of the statistical, anatomical and pathologic characteristics of these injuries. In this retrospective study, the mean age was 25.7 (1, 5-66) year. Dominant hands were injured in 75% (144 cases). 2 injuries were in the arm and axillary region, 68 (31%) were in the forearm, 87 (39.7) were in the wrist and 44 (20%) were in the hand. While skin injuries were seen only 6 extremities, 129 (67%) extremities have arterial injury. Ulnar artery was the most frequently injured artery and radial, digital, brachial and axillary arteries have been injured respectively. Nerve injury was seen in 135 (70.4%) extremities. Ulnar nerve was the most frequently injured nerve (28.1%) followed by median nerve was 24.4% and radial nerve was 2.08 respectively. Tendon injuries were seen in 176 extremities. Flexor tendon injuries were 143 (74.4), extensor tendon injuries were 22 (11.4%) and combined flexor and extensor tendon injuries were 11 (5.7%).


Cam kesilen ile oluşan el yaralanmaları, genel el yaralamaları içerisinde önemli bir gurup oluşturmaktadır. Bu yaralanmalardaki sayısal ve anatomo-patolojik özellikleri belirlemek amacıyla İstanbul El Cerrahisi ve Mikrocerrahi Merkezi ne Ağustos 1991-Eylül 1995 tarihleri arasında müracaat eden ve dosya kayıttan tam olarak tu-tulmuş 188 olgunun 192 üst ekstremitesindeki 201 yaralama çalışma kapsamına alındı. Retrospektif olarak yapılan çalışmanın sonucunda, yaş ortalaması 25.7 (1.5-66) yıl olarak saptandı. Olguların %75 inde (144 olgu) dominant el yaralanmıştı. Yaralanmaların 2 si (%0.9) kol ve aksiller bölgede, 68 i (%31) ön kolda, 87 si (%39.7) el bileğinde ve 44 ü (%20) eldeydi. Yaralanma, 6 (%3.1) ekstremitede sadece cilt düzeyindeyken 129 (%67.2) ekstremitede arteriyel yaralanma görüldü. En çok ulnar, daha sonra sırasıyla radial, dijital, brakiyaf ve aksiller arter yaralanmıştı. 135 (%70.4) ekstremitede sınır yaralanması görüldü, izole yaralanma ise en çok ulnar (%28.1) daha sonra median (%24.4) ve radial (%2.08) sinirlerde saptandı. 176 (%91.7) ekstremitede tendon yaralanması görüldü. 143 (%74.4) elde fleksör, 22 (%11.4) elde ekstansör, 11 (%5.7) elde hem fleksör hem ek-stansör tendon yaralanmaları tesbit edildi.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294