Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Ewing s sarcoma; experience with 12 cases

AOTT 1991; 25: 210-214
Keywords : Ewing's sareoma
Read: 497 Downloads: 339 Published: 21 April 2021

Twelve patients with localized Ewing s sarcoma were treated between 1980-1990 in Istanbul Medical School, Oncology Research-Treatment Center, Our-ChildrenLeukemia Foundation, Department of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. There were 8 boys and 4 girls, the mean age was 8.1 (range; 3-17) years. The tumors were in the femur in 3 paitents, in the humerus and rib in 2 cases each and in the tibia, radius, vertebra, clavicula and pelvis in 1 case each. Only chemotherapy (CT) was applied to 2 cases, 1 case had CT after radiotherapy. The remaining 9 cases were treated by CT and radiotherapy (during the CT). The CT protocols were VAC (n=5), VACA (n=3), IVAD (n=3), T.9 (n=1) One patient died from the main disease. Remission were achieved in 11 cases. After 5 to 94 months (mean; 22 mo.) 8 cases had relapsed (4 of them had local and remaining had distant metastases). 4 cases were not able to be followed, 3 cases were iost by additional problems (infection, cardiotoxicity). The best prognosis was achieved from Ewing s sarcomas which initiated from long bones, less than 100 ml tumour volumes and patients less than 5 years old. There were no significant differences between chemotherapy protocols.


İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Onkoloji Araştırma-Uygulama Merkezi, Bizim Lösemili Çocuklar Vakfı ve Pediatrik Hematoloji-Onkoloji Bilim Dalında 1980-1990 yılları arasında 12 Ewing sarkomu olgusu tedavi edildi. Bunların 8 i erkek, 4 ü kız, yaş ortalamaları 8.1 (dağılım; 3-17) yıl olup, hepsi lokalize hastalık şeklinde başvurmuşlardı. Üç olgu femurdan, 2 şer olgu humerus ve kostalardan, 1 er olgu ise tibia, radius, vertebre, klavikula ve pelvisten köken almıştı. İki olguya sadece kemoterapi, 1 olguya önce radyoterapi sonra kemoterapi (KT), 9 olguya ise KT ve arada radyoterapi uygulandı. 5 olguya VAC, 3 er olguya VACA ve IVAD, 1 olguya da T.9 protokol uygulandı. Bir olgu hastalıktan kaybedildi. 11 olguda remisyon sağlandı. Ortalama 22 ay (dağılım; 5-94) sonra 8 olguda relaps (4 ü lokal, 4 ü metastatik) görüldü. Toplam 4 olgu takipten çıktı, 3 olgu ilave sorunlardan kaybedildi. En iyi prognoz uzun kemiklerden köken alan ve tümör hacmi küçük olan ve 0-5 yaş arası Ewing sarkomlarında sağlandı. Kemoterapi protokolleri arasında fark bulunmadı.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294