Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Evaluation of meniscal lesions by computed tomography arthrography and arthrotomy

AOTT 1990; 24: Supplement 326-329
Read: 930
Between 1987 and 1990, 46 patients with meniscal symptoms were evaluated clinically, radiologically and operatively. The knees of 46 patients who were suspected to have meniscallesions were evaluated clinically and surgically between April1987 and July 1990. After a thorough clinical examination the knees were examined with high resolution computed tomography and double contrast arthrogaphy. Following these procedures all of them were evaluated by arthrotomy. The arthrograms and CT scans were compared for their display of anatomic and pathologic details. The anatomy of semilunar cartilages and surrounding structures was clearly outlined on CT scans. Double contrast arthrography was helpful in diagnosing some minor meniscallacerations which were hard to see on CT scans. For the evaluation of these methods, at first each of them were evaluated separately, subsequently both methods were evaluated together and compared with the previous results.Double contrast arthrography and CT resulted in a diagnostic accuracy of %80.4 and %71.9 respectively and both of them together %86.8. We conclude that CT scanning and double contrast arthrography are the two complementary metods to demonstrate meniscal tears.
Klinik olarak menisküs yırtığı bulgulan olan 46 hasta önce artrografi sonra bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) ve artrotomi ile değerlendirildi ve tedavi edildi. Artrografi ve BT ile saptanan bulgular operasyon sonuçlan ile karşılaştınldı ve pozitif tam oranı sırasıyla %80.4 ve %71.9 olarak bulundu. Birlikte değerlendirildiklerinde ise bu oran %86.8 idi. Semilunar kıkırdaklarının anatomisi ve çevre yapılar BT ile belirgin şekilde gösterilebilmektedir. Bilgisayarlı tomografi klinik olarak menisküs yırtığı düşünülen hastalarda ınvaziv bir tetkik olan artrografiye göre elektif bir metod olarak tercih edilebilir. Aynca artrotomi öncesi iki teknik birlikte kullanıldığında tanısal değeri oldukça yükselmektedir.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294