Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Efficacy of exercise combined with elecrotherapy in painful shoulder syndromes

AOTT 1995; 29: 146-148
Read: 594 Downloads: 445 Published: 20 April 2021

One of the most common causes of shoulder pain is the \"impingement syndrome\". After evaluation by physical examination and radiologic tecniques, 15 patients with diagnoses of impingement syndrome, admitted to Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation and Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of Trakya University were included in this study. Accoding to Neer Classificahon 5 patients (33.3%) were identified as Stage I and 10 patients (66. 7%) as Stage II. After aplication of diatermy therapy combined with the exercise program, pain and the functional status were evaluated according to the UCLA Shoulder Scale and abduction degrees before and after the treatment were also noted. Prior to therapy the UCLA score and average degre of abduction were (16.2+3.73) and (103.33°+26.9°) respectively. After therapy, the UCLA score increased to (29.6+3.64) and the average abduction degree improved to (151°+24.14°). According to these results, we suggest that the patients with Stage I and II Impingement Syndrome may well respond to conservative treatment methods.


Ağrılı omuz hastalıklarında en sık bilenen nedenlerden impingement sendromudur. Trakya Ünivetsitesi Tıp Fakültesi Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Kliniği ile Ortopedi Kliniğine müracaat eden ağrılı omuz hastalıklarının yapılan tetkik ve değerlendirmeleri sonucu impingement sendromu tanısı konan 15 olgu calışma programına alındı. Bu olgular Neer e göre evrelende 5 i (%33,3) evre I, 10 u (%66.7) evre II olarak değerlendirildi. Olgularımıza; Diatermi ile kombine egzersiz tedavisi uygulanarak tedavi öncesi ve sonrası UCLA (University of California Los Angles) omuz değerlendirme skalasma göre puanlandırıldı. Sonuç olarak tedavi oncesi UCLA puanı (162+ 3.73), abduksiyon açısı (103.33°+26.9°) bulunmasma rağmen tedavi sonucunda UCLA puanı (29.6+3.64J, abdüksiyon açısı (154°+24.14°) olarak tespit edildi. Değerlerden anlaşıldığı gibi Evre I ve II omuz impingement sendromu hastalar konservatif tedaviden istifade edebilirler.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294