Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Delayed diagnosis of isolated ulnopalmar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint and its treatment with open reduction and internal fixation

AOTT 2004; 38: 361-365
Read: 940 Downloads: 1179 Published: 08 March 2020

We present a 21-year-old male patient with an isolated ulnopalmar dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint that occurred due to a fall on the hand. Diagnosis was delayed for five weeks and closed reduction was not successful. He was treated with open reduction and internal fixation. Upon removal of fixation materials six weeks after surgery, he developed reflex symphatic dystrophy and limitation in joint movements, which disappeared following rehabilitation and medical treatment at the end of 15 weeks. Functional and radiographic results were satisfactory.


Bu yazıda, elinin üzerine düşme sonucu beşinci karpometakarpal eklemin izole ulnopalmar çıkığı oluşan 21 yaşında bir erkek hasta sunuldu. Tanısı beş hafta geciken olguda kapalı redüksiyon yapılamadı ve açık redüksiyon ve internal fiksasyon yapıldı. Tespit materyallerinin altı hafta sonra çıkarılması üzerine gözlenen refleks sempatik distrofi ve hareket kısıtlılığının, rehabilitasyon ve medikal tedaviyle 15. haftada tamamen düzeldiği görüldü. Elde edilen fonksiyonel ve radyografik sonuçlar tatmin edici bulundu.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294