Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Correction of pincer nail deformity with dermal flap: a new technique in pincer nail deformity surgery

AOTT 2016; 50: -1--1
DOI: 10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0168
Keywords : Dermal flap, pincer nail
Read: 1151 Downloads: 531 Published: 07 February 2020

Pincer nail deformity is the extreme, transverse, proximal-to-distal overcurvature of the finger, caused by osteophyte of the distal phalanx, and causing clamp effect on soft tissues and nail ingrowth. We report a new technique consisting of removal of the osteophyte causing clamp effect. Depressed areas of both side of the nail bed (lateral nail fold) were corrected with dermal flaps prepared from the side. Depressed areas were filled by these flaps, creating a smooth surface for the nail bed, and adequate correction was obtained.
Keywords: Dermal flap; pincer nail.


DOI: 10.3944/AOTT.2015.14.0168
This abstract belongs to the un-edited version of the article and is only for informative purposes. Published version may differ from the current version.




ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294