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Congenital Cleft ...
1981; 15: 185-193
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Volume 15, Issue 3, July 1981
Congenital cleft hand deformity, which is also known with such names as cleft hand, lobster claw hand and Ectrodactyiy, is characterized by the absence of one or two fingers in the mid portion of the hand. A case of bilateral cleft hand deformity four years old, which is considerabiy rare, was reconstructed surgically. The result obtained has been presented. Because no sufficient experience has accumulated due to the fact that it is observed considerably rare, the therapeutical principales regarding this deformity remain to be discovered. Therefore, attempts have been made to review the aspects, patterns and therapeutical principles of this deformity under the light of literature and experiences obtained from our cases.
Cleft hand, lobster claw hand, Ectrodactyly gibi isimlerle de anılan doğuştan yarık el deformitesi, elde orta bölümde parmaklardan bir veya birkaçının yokluğu ile karakterizedir. Oldukça nadir görülen bu deformiteye sahip 4 yaşında bir olgunun her iki eli cerrahi olarak düzeltildi. Alınan sonuç sunuldu. Oldukça nadir görülmesi nedeni ile yeterli deneyim elde edilememesinden bu deformitenin tedavi ilkeleri iyi bilinmemektedir. Bu nedenle bu deformitenin özellikleri, tipleri ve tedavi ilkeleri literatür bilgileri ve olgumuzdan elde edilen deneyimlerle birlikte incelendi.