Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Bonetendonbone grafts in anteror cruciate ligament reconstruction

AOTT 1993; 27: Supplement 314-317
Read: 813 Downloads: 585 Published: 20 April 2021

In this paper, 16 patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture only treated by bone-tendon-bone patellar tendon graft were evaluated. There were 3 female and 12 male patients with a mean age of 22 (17-37) years old. The patients were followed for 23.6 (6-39) months at average. Mean preoperative subjective evaluation score was 47.25 (30-59), the postoperative score was 89.63 (59-100). Mean preoperative objective evaluation score was 254.38 (210-300) the postoperative score was 325.63 (230-420). The surgical method and the results were discussed.


Sadece ön çapraz bağı yırtığı olan ve kemik-patellar tendon-kemik grefti ile erken rehabilitasyon ile tedavi edilen 16 hasta incelendi. Çalışma grubu 3 kadın, 13 erkek hastadan oluşmaktaydı. Yırtığın gerçekleştiği andaki yaş ortalaması 22 (17-37) idi. Hastaların ortalama takip süresi 23.6 ay (6-39) idi. Preoperatif subjektif değerlendirme ortalama 47.25 (30-59 ) iken postoperatif 89.63 (59-100 ) idi. Preoperatif objektif değerlendirme ortalama 254.38 (210-300) iken postoperatif 325.63 (230-420) idi. Çalışmada cerrahi yöntem ve sonuçları tartışıldı

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294