Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Biomechanical comparison of antirotator compression hip screw and cannulated screw fixations in the femoral neck fractures

AOTT 2014; 48: 196-201
DOI: 10.3944/AOTT.2014.3159
Read: 2015 Downloads: 1135 Published: 07 February 2020

Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the biomechanical properties of minimal invasive sliding antirotator compressive hip screw (MIS–A–CHS), and multiple cannulated screws (CS) on a Pauwels type 3 femoral neck fracture model.

Methods: A Pauwels type 3 vertical femoral neck fractures was created on 12 third-generation proximal femur models which were divided into two equal groups. The fracture was fixed with three CS in the first group, and MIS–A–CHS in the second group. The axial and rotational stiffness and maximum compression effect were compared between the groups.

Results: The axial and rotational stiffness and maximum compression were significantly higher in MIS–A–CHS group (912.5 N, 540 N and 10.2 N/m, respectively) than the CS group (627.5N, 380 N, and 3.9 N/m, respectively).

Conclusion: MIS–A–CHS appears to be a more secure fixation method in Pauwels type 3 femoral neck fractures than the CS.




Çalışma planı: On iki adet üçüncü nesil proksimal femur kemik modelinde Pauwels tip 3 vertikal femur boyun kırığı oluşturuldu ve modeller iki gruba ayrıldı. Birinci gruba üç paralel KV, ikinci gruba MIS–A–CHS ile tespit uygulandı. İki grubun aksiyel ve torsiyonel yüklenmelere karşı dayanıklılıkları ve maksimal kompresyon güçleri hesaplandı ve birbirleri ile karşılaştırıldı.

Çıkarımlar: MIS–A–CHS, Pauwels tip 3 femur boyun kırıklarında KV’e göre aksiyel ve torsiyonel kuvvetlere daha dayanıklı olan ve daha fazla kompresyon sağlayan bir tespit yöntemidir.


ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294