Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

Bilateral acute knee ligament injuries 2 case report

AOTT 1992; 26: Supplement 353-358
Read: 880 Downloads: 544 Published: 20 April 2021

The lesions were found to be bilateral in two of the patients who were admitted to our clinic for traumatic knee injuries. First patient was a 22 year old female. Physical and radiological examinations revealed that she had ruptures of the ACL+LCL in her right knee, ACL and MCL in her left knee. She had been operated on at two sessions; first for the primary repairs of the ACL and LCL ruptures of the right knee and second for the primary repairs of the ACL and MCL ruptures of the left knee. Follow-up period is 24 months. According to the Lysholm knee scale her scores for both knees are 98 and according to the Marshall knee scale scores for her both knees are 44. The second patient was a 16 years old male and came after a traffic accident. He had ruptures of the ACL, LCL and the joint capsule in her Ieft knee and right tibiofemoral luxation together with MCL,ACL, PCL and posterior oblique ruptures, total peripheral tears of the medial meniscus and tears of the medial retinaculum. ACL and repairs of the left knee and primary repairs of all torn Iigaments and structures were performed after reposition of the Iuxation of the right side. The follow-up period is 7 months in this patient with a Lysholm score of 68 for both knees. The Marshall score is 29 on the right and 35 on the Ieft.


Kliniğimize travmatik diz lezyonu nedeni ile başvuran hastalardan ikisinde yaralanmanın bilateral olduğu tesbit edildi. Trafik kazası sonrasında başvuran 22 yaşındaki bayan hastada sağ ACL+LCL ile sol dizde ACL+MCL rüptürü saptandı. Hasta iki seansta ameliyat edilerek önce sağ dizde ACL+LCL primer tamiri sonra da sol dizde ACL+MCL primer tamiri yapıldı. Takip süresi 24 aydır. Lysholm diz skoru her iki dizde de 98, Marshall diz skoru ise yine her iki dizde de 44 bulunmuştur. 16 yaşında erkek olan ikinci olgu da trafik kazası sonrasında başvurdu. Sol dizde ACL, LCL ve kapsül rüptürü, sağ dizde ise tibiofemoral luksasyon ile birlikte MCL, ACL, PCL ve posterior oblik ligaman rüptürleri, ayrıca medial meniskus total periferik yırtığı ve medial retinakulum parçalı yırtığı saptandı. Tedavide sol dize ACL ve LCL primer tamiri yapıldı, sağ tarafa ise diz redükte edildikten sonra yırtık olan tüm ligaman ve yapıların primer tamiri yapıldı. Takip süresi 7 ay olan hastada Lysholmı skoru her iki dizde de 68, Marshall skoru ise sağda 29, solda 35 dir.

ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294