Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Turcica

A review of the fractures of tibial shaft in the adult

AOTT 1985; 19: 286-296
Read: 669
Between the years 1983-1985, 67 tibial shaft fractures were treated by means of the conservative and surgical methods. At the orthopedic clinic of Giresun state hospital. There were closed fractures in 51 (76%) and open fractures in 16 (24%) of the patients. The cases were investigated according to the causes of the fracture, the localization and typs of the fractures the treatment methods which were performed and the average union time. The complications we met in the treatment were reviewed.
Kliniğimizde 1983-1985 yılları arasında 67 tibia diafiz kırığı konservatif veya cerrahi tedavi metodları ile tedavi edildi. Hastaların 51inde (%76) kapalı, 16 sında (%24) açık tibia kırığı mevcuttu. Olgular kırık nedenlerine, kırığın lokalizasyonu ve tiplerine, uygulanan tedavi metodları ve ortalam kırık kaynaması sürelerine göre araştırıldı. Tedavide kaşılaştığımız komplikasyonlar gözden geçirildi.
ISSN 1017-995X EISSN 2589-1294